I’m not a fan of award shows, but Elton John and Lady Gaga captured my attention and I ended up watching a good portion of the Grammys Sunday night. Besides the flamboyance of Sir Elton and Lady Gaga, I was completely enchanted by the performance of Pink, an artist I'm not familiar with. As Pink sang, Glitter in the Air, I was drawn into the melody and lyrics. Later, while in the dreamy state, just before sleep overtakes me, I pondered…
Have you ever…lain on your back and listened to the whir of hummingbird wings overhead while your little daughter lies next to you, her hand resting on your pregnant tummy
Have you ever… held a love so achingly deep that you thought it might slice you in half when he turned and walked out the door, only to discover your soul’s stronger than imagined
Have you ever…touched the velvet petals of a rose only to bruise it and watch the petals fall to the earth like broken angel wings
Have you ever…danced barefoot and alone on a beach as the moon rose full and creamy white, dappling the ocean
Have you ever…longed to pour yourself over someone until the mystery of you becomes immersed in him
Have you ever…jumped in a mud puddle just to watch the water splash out around you in a joyful dirty dance
Have you ever…floated with the music high above the concert hall, dipping with the falls and soaring with the rises
Have you ever…stood before ‘Sunflowers,’ weeping softly as the glory of the beauty envelopes you
Have you ever…held your child’s hand while tears race down his cheeks as he kissed a friend goodbye forever
Have you ever…tasted the ocean’s essence on your lips, the salty brine from wind blown destinations
Have you ever…laughed until your eyes squeezed out tears of mirth and your sides stitched
Have you ever…
6 years ago
A most wonderful post.
The piano in the background of Pink's song...and her words...that evoke real memories...sublime...
I love this song... and you're so right it does evoke memories of so many "have you evers"
Wow! I saw a picture of her doing this performance and thought it was beautiful. I had no idea about the beauty of it all. Thank you so much for sharing this, I am off to iTunes!
Wow, I've never heard that before. Awesome.
I love your post, what a great way to think. I must try it...
'floated with the music' singing in a mass choir. Another way of riding a fairground horse.
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