Thursday, July 22, 2010

100 Word Challenge: Abundant Price

She sat next to him; her beautiful face vacant, unaware of the wake following the ferry toward Nantucket, the waves winking beneath the sun, or seagulls hovering like mobiles overhead. He turned away from her holding the Blackberry up to his ear. With a snap he closed it, tucked his connection into his pocket offering her an apologetic smile.

A few moments later a ring sounded from his pocket. With a shrug of shoulders he began talking.

"Can’t you just turn it off?"

It was the price she paid for the abundant life he provided that included vacations on Nantucket.

This week's 100 Word Challenge is all about the word abundant.  Catch more quick reads with Lou hosting the challenge at Velvet Verbosity's 100 Word Challenge. 


Unknown said...

Ouch. Poor girl. Sometimes the price we pay is more than it's worth.

Teresa O said...

That's for sure Lou. I actually watched this scenario play out on a ferry to Nantucket from Hyannis. I felt so sorry for her, it was much worse than my mere 100 words could relate.

Marion Williams-Bennett said...

this is beautiful.

The beauty of the wake and the seagulls as a mobile, and the sadness and isolation that comes from the distracted.

"Can't you just turn it off..." the quiet cry of "can't I be more important to you"

beautiful writing.

Anonymous said...

"The price of anything is the amount of life we exchange for it..."

Yep. You've captured it with this one.

Teresa O said...

Marion...Thanks for stopping by. Sitting across the aisle from the couple I could sense how much she just wanted him to set business aside and at one point she said to me, "It never ends." I often wonder how the rest of the vacation went.

Titanium...You're so right and in my book the price this woman was paying was way too much.

Tara R. said...

I can imagine this same scenario playing out for many couples. Nicely captured.

Teresa O said...

Yes, I can, too. Thank you for commenting. Have a wonderful day!

8 said...

Lovely, and elegant-a complete story in 100 words. Bravo.

Teresa O said...

Michael...thanks for stopping to read my 100 words and thank you for your kind words.

swputh said...

Stressing the importance of 'quality' time spent with family... Its amazing. good one...

Constance said...

God... that is so sad... Emotionally abandoned in exchange for money that isn't hers to disperse.
Beautifully writtten.
A choice so many self-destructive women make, thinking it will make them happy when it ultimately doesn't.

And I totally agree with you on Anne Boleyn. We could talk about her for hours! Did you know that you can have a private tour of Hever Castle for 160 pounds? It is TOTALLY worth it!
Henry was a MONSTER and a liar in cahoots with Cromwell, and she was much maligned. I'm sorry Elizabeth never saw fit to clear her name. She certainly could have done so later on in he reign...

Unspoken said...

I payed that price myself for awhile and then I was done.

Teresa O said...

Amy...Yayy!! Your life is so much richer now.

Elizabeth said...

How wonderful to capture such depth in so few words!Wow!

Anonymous said...

Amiable dispatch and this post helped me alot in my college assignement. Gratefulness you as your information.