Wednesday, August 18, 2010

100 Word Challenge: From Failed to Different

He travels light zipping from city to city across the sky, while the weight of baggage grounds her in the undulating fields of her childhood. Like a sprite, her world revolves around circular patterns of a soft landscape dancing to the gentle rhythms of changing seasons. He navigates the hard edges and tall giants of cityscapes making the deal with the confidence of a warrior. Her view leans toward a film noir of black and white where he sees possibility saturated in bright hues.

Born from failed marriages, together they reach across miles of differences, failure no longer an option.

The 100 Word Challenge is brought to you by Velvet Verbosity, who is back after a hiatus.  The prompt this week is failed.  You can read more brilliantly penned 100 words by clicking HERE!


PattiKen said...

I love the contrasts in this. Well done, Teresa.

Teresa O said...

Thank you, Patti. I'm still smiling over Bucko and the Roadkill.

Velvet Verbosity said...

A love story that makes you wonder at the ending. :)

Vixen said...

Great job! I haven't done mine yet, but yours is so good....I am afraid to try it.

Constance said...

In my current state of mind, all I see is divorce for them. You outlined the differences between the two so well that their romantic illusions are clear and not based on a common foundation of values even though there is a common history of family dysfunction.

Unknown said...

I love this! It uses beautiful imagery and paints a picture I enjoy imagining more about. I hope for a happy ending, I love redemption.

Ms. Maggie said...

Great imagery! I like it.

Teresa O said...

Velvet...Thanks for stopping by. I'm wondering about the ending, too.

Vixen..thank you, but please do participate in the 100 words challenge, I know it will be amazing.

Aurora...*hugs* I know you're going through a tough time right now and I thank you so much for stopping by to read my 100 words.

Jennifer...I'd like to think that redemption can truly taste so sweet, but I'm a bit of a cynic. It's in the hands of the fates now or my pen which ever comes first.

Ms. Marsha...Thanks for stopping by and reading my take on failed. Glad you liked the imagery, it's probably my favorite part of writing...the descriptions and creating scenes and settings. I wonder... would that be termed a still life writer?

Gregg said...

Very the contrasting lives that become intertwined.

Anonymous said...
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Tara R. said...

This was beautiful! I hope these two can build a common life together.

Teresa O said...

Gregg...thanks for stopping by and for the thoughtful comment. I've tried to write poetry, but it's always come out rather strange, so I just stick to prose.

Tara...Thank you for the kudos. I hope so, too.