Tuesday, August 3, 2010

" what happens then.."

There’s a new kid in the writing blogosphere. "and what happens then..." is the creation of Tara R. She set up shop and invited fellow bloggers/writers to join her in a collaborative writing venture. Each writer takes on a chapter giving their own personal spin to the story entitled, The Courier. Tara penned the first chapter of the novelette with 21 writers to follow:

And Triplets Make Six - John
Bad Momma
If Mom Says OK - Tara R.
It’s Always Something Around Here - Lou Ann
Just One Miss
Molding Young Minds - Miss H.
Musician’s Widow - Denise
Pieces of Me - Jen
 Red Monkey - Ender
Redefining Perfect - Sarah
Rock and Drool - Melissa
Sex and the Single Dad - J.R.
Shiny Healthy People - Jen
Soft Skies - Heather
Stay at Home Dad in Lansing - Chris
Suburban Scrawl - Melisa with one S
The Drafts Folder - Draft Queen
The Scholastic Scribe - Melissa B
Whee All the Way Home - Patois
Write in Amazement - Teresa O

This should be a fascinating journey and I'm looking forward to following the path the story takes and giving my own twist to the ongoing tale.  I hope you join me at "what happens then..." 


Constance said...

Just came by to read your latest post and wish you a good Tuesday, Teresa :)

What happens next? Sounds interesting to find out!

Teresa O said...

Hiya Aurora! How 'bout a glass of iced tea? I'll put lemon in it...I will... really.

Thanks for stopping by.

Elizabeth said...

sounds fascinating --and challenging

Caroline said...

Hmmmm...think I will check it out :)