They met on a little train. The warm morning had turned the boy’s cheeks pink, yet next to him sat an old man clad in a long, black wool coat. As the child intently studied the brown almond eyes and road-mapped face the ancient one smiled and with two fingers traced down the cheek of the two-year old. He spoke gentle words to my child, his language unknown to me.
I looked on in amazement. Two souls, one tired and worn and one fresh and new met and exchanged a magical moment that spanned cultures and generations. It was beautiful.
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This really happened to my child on the train at Disneyland when he was two. It was one of the perfect moments that life presents to us every once in awhile. My son doesn't remember it, but I do and I will always remember this magical moment.
6 years ago
In 100 words, you have so beautifully captured the magic that can happen between generations. Experience talking to the novice.
I really enjoyed this writing.
Hope all is well with you!
Hello Marion...I'm delighted to see you. Thank you for stopping by. I don't think I could ever have imagined such a meeting. It was truly that remarkable.
Take care in the next few days. I hear hurricane Earl is heading for my beloved Cape Cod.
Very moving, especially the "spanning generations and culture" line.
@LanceCake on twitter
What a truly magical experience. You did a nice job conveying the beauty of the moment.
And the thing is, your boy probably understood - perhaps not the words, but the intent.
Greetings Anon aka Lancecake. Thank you for stopping by. Indeed, it was a moving moment that became more so when I had the time to ponder what took place. glad to see you. Thank you for the kind comments.'re so right he did understand the intent and simply smiled his little boy grin.
Soulmates - from one generation recognizing their soulmate in another. It's a spiritual thing, a 'deja vu'.
The backstory makes with tale so much sweeter.
This is a very vivid piece. Thank you for the wonderful imagery, I could totally see this and feel the train, etc.
That was a beautiful description of a beautiful moment. Children always seem to understand such things.
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