“You will do foolish things, but do them with enthusiasm.”
~Sidonie-Gabrielle Colette
It rained over the weekend. Slate gray skies wept a sad song all day Saturday and then sighed while dropping a few more tears on Sunday. We refused to be pulled into melancholy March and instead found reasons to smile and laugh.

What’s not to laugh about when jumping in puddles while carrying a little umbrella with Optimus Prime striking a strong pose on it?
Who could ever frown at cupcakes dressed in chocolate frosting with a curl at the top? And let’s add a sprinkle of pale pink sugar for a glittering effect.
Then there’s Alice in Wonderland. In Lewis Carroll’s classic children’s fantasy, Alice says, “If I had a world of my own, everything would be nonsense. Nothing would be as it is, because everything would be what it isn’t. And contrary wise, what is, wouldn’t be. And what it wouldn’t be, it would. You see?”
So the rain over the weekend that’s extended into the Monday would not be rain at all, but tiny wet drops falling from sky with soft tinkling laughter. Each would find a soft pillow to land on, jump up and pirouette all about the grassy lawn. Gray clouds would be violet and pink cushions with French knots embroidered in green. What is up would be down and what is down would be up. Penguins would wear bikinis instead of tuxedos and butterflies would turn into caterpillars.
The new Alice in Wonderland movie enchants with the lovable characters, the absurd Queen of Hearts, and wonderland in all it’s magical mystery glowing in vibrant colors. For a while we were transported to wonderland with Alice and forgot about here and now.
Oh what a happy place to be a child once again, even if only for an hour or two.
What a wonderful post! You really brightened my day--it made me want to get imaginative and look for good in everything, including the rain!
And I absolutely love your photos! I'm so curious...did you take classes or are you self-taught? I have just recently been bitten by the photography bug and I want to learn everything!
Hi JoLyn...I'm a newbie, too, but bitten hard. I started seriously photographing last April when I started The Cottage on the Corner blog. I do have a background in floral design, which emphasizes art concepts like movement, focal, etc.
I don't have a fancy camera with lenses and filters and all that. Just a point and shoot with a few extras. I've downloaded LightRoom 3.0 while it's in beta, but no way can I afford Photoshop or anything like that. I do have picasa and mess around on Flickr (picnic), but that's it. I love studying art of all kinds and spend too much time checking out photoblogs and Flickr. I know what you mean about wanting to learn everything...me too!
I try to photograph something almost every day. I've been buying flowers for five bucks and then spending the rest of the week photographing them. I think the more I do it the better I'll become.
A friend and I started a photoblog (http://quietquestioning.blogspot.com/) that sometimes veers off into other artsy/crafty directions.
I think you take wonderful photos! You're well on your way in my most humble opinion.
Thank you for your kind comments.
We are having the same grey, rainy spell here. It's been so bleak, yet I look at these pictures and see so much joy! Especially the puddle jumper! It's breaking the spell1
I am astounded that you are new to photography - all your photos have a lovely quality to them, so rich and wonderful. Well done, and keep going!
I am off to find a puddle for jumping!
Beautiful spirited read..magical..lovely post Teresa...you always make me smile! Keep sparkling! Awesome photos and imagery..mega-cool!
Love the whimsy here today!
Oh Marion...I hope you wear a pair of bright colored boots with ladybugs or daisies all over them and jump many many puddles!
Kiki...it's always lovely when you visit. I'll try my best to keep the sparkle on.
Amy...thank you for stopping by. Whimsy is so important in my life.
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