Your brown eyes peer deep into my soul every time you look at me. Edged with sadness, fraught with frustration, yet glowing with joy your eyes tell a wordless story. I linger on memories of you, emerging from infancy learning to walk at 9 months and at 15 months, pointing at letters, announcing the names. Mounting concern surrounds my wonder.
What a quirky little fellow you are.
Such a bright boy, precocious and energetic; they say you endure somewhere between Aspbergers, ADHD, or profoundly intelligent. I cannot tell you in what kingdom you reside and my heart continues to ache.
This writing is in response to Velvet Verbosity's 100 Word challenge. You'll find more writings to read here.
6 years ago
I so understand this piece - and lovely, it is. Our #3 son resides in all three - Asbergers, ADHD, and profoundly intelligent. Your son is special - as in "to be treasured" special. As in "he is a gift" special. Don't worry. He, and you, will be fine.
hold him tight. and share as much time with him, in his "kingdom", as he will allow.
these words are lovely.
Beautiful heartfelt writing..enjoy the gift of this special gentle king in the kingdom of your beautiful heart!
100 powerfully moving words.
So much love, and that's what you'll both need to find the kingdom.
My son lives in his own kingdom too, and these words speak to me.
LceeL...Thank you for visiting. Thank you for your uplifting comments.
Christina...thank you for your inspiring thoughts.
Kiki...he is a little king and a gift. I am constantly amazed at the potential that dwells within him.
Marion...You're so right, this journey takes much love and patience.
Tara...thank you for stopping by. Blessings to you and yours.
Thank you for all your comments. This is a difficult road to go down, but every day we're closer to answers that may provide solutions. I must clear something up, the little lad I wrote of is not my son, but my grandson. I should add that my daughter, grandson, and I live together, so he is a large and precious part of my every day existence.
Such tender and moving thoughts--in only 100 words. You truly have the gift. And my heart goes out to you and your daughter as you travel this road. What a sweet little boy with gifts all his own. God bless you.
Very moving! He will find his way, I know. He sounds like a smart little guy, and that, plus having you at his side, loving and protecting him, will make his journey a successful one.
My 55 is up here.
so touching...with all your love, his life will be beautiful!
Silent Goodbye
xoxo, FickleInPink
Wow. I loved the way you did this.
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